Has the American male been emasculated? American men once had the reputation of being strong, decisive, and aggressive. Has this reputation diminished in the age of corporate culture and political correctness?

You’re damn right men have become emasculated.
Enough with the theories and jargon. All you need to do is visit your local spawning ground for pseudo-attempts at manliness, a vanitorium commonly referred to as a “gym”.
Outwardly appearing masculine men, upon closer inspection, are an abomination. Our preceding warriors would not recognize these specimens. Their masculinity is millimeters deep.
They are muscular yet their chest is waxed. Their eyebrows are tweezed. They are spray tanned, scarless and they have skinny necks! A skinny neck on a muscular man is surely a modern phenomenon and a perfect example of today's prototypical emasculated man.
American men of old used to get buff doing manly things; chopping wood, claiming land, wrestling bears and smacking down guys who got too lippy.
He had a built, manly neck that kept his head on when his horse kicked him in his rock hard skull; that crumbled your spongy hand when you took that ill-advised first swing.
And there were no buff men with twigs for legs:
Because it wasn’t possible.
Men of old got strong doing things; working the farm, throwing hay, things that required using your legs, not shaving them. Not laying on a bench screaming between 3 minutes of mirror-worship known as ‘rest’.
The men of old didn’t spray Axe, they swung it. They didn’t spend 10 minutes doing their hair in the mirror. They didn’t own a mirror. They only saw their face when they were pulling your dinner out of the lake with their bare hand.
You’re damn right they’re emasculated.